- published: 11 Aug 2016
- views: 201621
She /ʃiː/ is a feminine third-person, singular personal pronoun (subjective case) in Modern English. In 1999, the American Dialect Society chose "she" as the word of the past millennium.
The use of she for I (also for you and he) is common in literary representations of Highland English.
She is also used instead of it for things to which feminine gender is conventionally attributed: a ship or boat (especially in colloquial and dialect use), often said of a carriage, a cannon or gun, a tool or utensil of any kind, and occasionally of other things.
She refers to abstractions personified as feminine, and also for the soul, a city, a country, an army, the Church, and others.
HIDDEN ERROR: Usage of "Spouse" is not recognized
Declan Patrick MacManus (born 25 August 1954), better known by his stage name Elvis Costello, is an English musician, singer-songwriter and record producer. He began his career as part of London's pub rock scene in the early 1970s and later became associated with the first wave of the British punk and new wave movement of the mid-to-late 1970s. His critically acclaimed debut album, My Aim Is True, was recorded in 1977. Shortly after recording it he formed the Attractions as his backing band. His second album, This Year's Model, was released in 1978, and was ranked number 11 by Rolling Stone on its list of the best albums from 1967–1987. His third album, Armed Forces, was released in 1979, and features his most successful single "Oliver's Army". His first three albums all appeared on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.
Costello and the Attractions toured and recorded together for the better part of a decade, though differences between them caused a split by 1986. Much of Costello's work since has been as a solo artist, though reunions with members of the Attractions have been credited to the group over the years. Steeped in wordplay, the vocabulary of Costello's lyrics is broader than that of most popular songs. His music has drawn on many diverse genres; one critic described him as a "pop encyclopaedia", able to "reinvent the past in his own image".
Actors: Humberto Busto (director), Humberto Busto (writer), Rocío Bengoa (actress), Soraya Barraza (actor), Alberto Wolf (actor), Alejandro Otaola (composer), Alex Luke (editor), Alejandra Maciel (costume designer), María del Carmen Centeno (actress), Alejandro Lopez (editor), Ruben Salazar (producer),
Plot: SHE is an elderly woman with Alzheimer emergent symptoms. HE is a troubled young man encapsulated within himself. Both of them have been affected by an irreparable loss. The house they share is a manifestation of the memory that wishes, projects and inevitably transmits.
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Short,Actors: Damian Samuels (producer), Damian Samuels (writer), Clayton Evertson (actor), Jean-Paul Moodie (writer), Jean-Paul Moodie (director), Jean-Paul Moodie (editor), Clifford Young (actor), Shamiel Visagie (writer), Malo Geldenhuis (actor), Alasdair McCulloch (producer), Cassandra Hendricks (actor),
Genres: Short, Thriller,Actors: David A. Holcombe (producer), David A. Holcombe (writer), David A. Holcombe (editor), David A. Holcombe (director), David A. Holcombe (costume designer), David A. Holcombe (producer), Christopher Carson Emmons (composer), Bryn Packard (actor), Nick Reise (actor), Del Harvey (producer), Nick Reise (producer), Ed Wolf (actor), Ray Pritchett (actor), Jill Oliver (actress), John Gray (actor),
Plot: Two brothers are torn apart by their struggle against an oppressive totalitarian regime. After being separated from his pregnant wife, Clem has to decide whether to trust his brother, Raj, who may be defying a power greater than the Administration. The wretched may rule and those in power will fall.
Genres: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Short, Thriller,Actors: Stephen Swierczyna (editor), Stephen Swierczyna (producer), Stephen Swierczyna (writer), Stephen Swierczyna (writer), Stephen Swierczyna (composer), Stephen Swierczyna (director), Sigrid Ortwein (producer), Sigrid Ortwein (composer), Sigrid Ortwein (writer), Sigrid Ortwein (director), Judith Augustin (actor),
Genres: Action, Animation, Comedy, Horror, Short,Actors: Miles Robinson (director), Andrew Havlik (producer), Andrew Havlik (editor), Joseph Chopin (actor), Kimberly Cahoon (actor), Miles Robinson (writer),
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Short,Actors: James Tuverson (writer), James Tuverson (producer), David J. Eagle (director), David J. Eagle (producer), Nancy Eagle (producer), Ali Eagle (actor), Matthew McCollum (actor), Erik Anderson (editor),
Plot: An expose' on what really happens when you get on the wrong side of those chalky little candy hearts with the cute sayings on them. Told sans dialogue, this is a tale of love-gone-wrong and the steps those innocent-looking confections will take in doling out vengeance.
Genres: Comedy, Short,Actors: Stephen Silbernagel (miscellaneous crew), Stephen Silbernagel (producer), Stephen Silbernagel (producer), Stephen Silbernagel (writer), Stephen Silbernagel (writer), Stephen Silbernagel (director), Stephen Silbernagel (editor), Daniel Priore (miscellaneous crew), Daniel Priore (director), Daniel Priore (producer), Daniel Priore (miscellaneous crew), Daniel Priore (editor), Eric James Titus (actor), Kirk ten Cate (producer), Julianne Jankowski (actor),
Genres: Sci-Fi, Short, Thriller,Actors: Romie Faienza (editor), Romie Faienza (writer), Romie Faienza (writer), Romie Faienza (director), James Hargrave (writer), James Hargrave (producer), Chad Banks (writer), Amber Emery (actor), J. Paul Slavens (actor), Byron Webb (actor),
Genres: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Short,Actors: Ery Nzaramba (actor), Ery Nzaramba (director), Ery Nzaramba (writer), Mark Pressdee (producer), Mark Pressdee (director), Greg McKinney (editor), Greg McKinney (director), Dorice Boma (director), Dorice Boma (writer), Dorice Boma (actor), Courtney Townsend (director),
Genres: Biography, Documentary, Short,Actors: Lyn Elliot (director), Brendan Mackey (actor), Brendan Mackey (miscellaneous crew), Martha Elliot (actor), Jerry Harp (actor),
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Short,因為有你愛|S.H.E 15年首場經典展 【團圓One in One】正式啟動 永遠都會在|2016一個都不能少 S.H.E合體推新歌「永遠都在」 2001年9月11日S.H.E正式出道,一路走來15年,共發行十三張音樂作品、四次全新巡迴演唱會,在音樂、主持、戲劇等不同領域,三個人也都持續不斷地嘗試與挑戰!而近年來S.H.E每年的成軍紀念日都有不同的紀念活動,今年S.H.E也將以不同以往的形式與大家共度別具意義的15週年。 S.H.E出道以來不但創造了多項紀錄,也度過了許多難忘的經歷,在15週年的重要時刻,籌備多時的首場大型經典展【團圓One in One】也即將啟動,8月13日預售票開賣,展覽從8月26號到9月19號,於松山文創園區3號倉庫一連展出25天!如同展名一樣,希望透過【團圓One in One】展覽,把過去這些日子的每一刻回憶都再次聚集起來,讓一路陪伴與支持S.H.E的歌迷也能透過這次的展覽一起團圓相聚,感受15年來共同走過的點點滴滴。 除了大型經典展的啟動,S.H.E也再度合體合唱,進錄音室錄製了15週年新歌「永遠都在」,睽違已久的S.H.E舞曲風格、鼓舞人心的正向能量、不說再見的共同約定…如同一路走來S.H.E內心深處最真實的感覺。就像歌詞唱的「確定不管再多久,我都會有你在,因為有你愛,永遠都會在」,除了三人彼此陪伴的15年,還有許許多多歌迷一起創造出的一種“永遠都在“的感情,從來都沒有被時間沖淡,反而變得越來越深厚。而在「永遠都在」歌詞中,也藏了一些小驚喜,那就是透過S.H.E歷年來的歌名,在這首歌裡面串成了一段S.H.E想對大家說的話!在15週年別具意義的團圓時刻,一個都不能少、一刻都不嫌少,「永遠都在」跟著S.H.E一起創造下一個15年的全新紀念! --- /// 線 上 收 聽 ♬ KKBOX:http://kkbox.fm/Aa1HyK ...
Elvis Costello - She 'Notting Hill' ost ** Elvis Costello in Korea 2011. 2. 27 Seojong Arts Centre
Tyler the Creator - She (featuring Frank Ocean). Directed By Wolf Haley. Filmed By Luis Ponch Perez Produced By Tara Razavi Tyler Creator Frank Ocean Lional Boyce Jasper Dolphin Lucas Sagan Lockhart Domo Genesis Milan Wolf Haley
✿ 官方還沒析出 S.H.E 的完整視頻,所以暫時先放 480P 的版本搶先看囉。待日後官方發佈了再轉720P的過來。 ✿ 2016上海春浪音樂節 - S.H.E ✿ 錄製 By Ghost.R.C (鬼鬼) ❤ Ghost.R.C (鬼鬼) 的創作工房 (個人專頁) ✿ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ghost.rc.816 ✿ Flickr:http://www.flickr.com/photos/ghost816/sets/ ✿ Weibo:http://weibo.com/ghost816 ❤ Ghost.R.C (鬼鬼) 的 Youtube 頻道 ✿ (其他藝人頻道):http://www.youtube.com/user/2GhostRC816 ✿ (SHE頻道):http://www.youtube.com/user/3GhostRC816 ✿ (非公開影片頻道):http://goo.gl/RkgaHC
線上音樂收聽S.H.E「我的電台FM」專輯- 【KKBOX】http://kkbox.fm/0a0ESK 【myMusic】http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/... 【Omusic】http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.ph... ►iTunes購買S.H.E[我的電台 FM] 專輯: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/wo-... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►更多S.H.E相關影片請訂閱S.H.E官方YouTube頻道: http://goo.gl/mBpjUf ►S.H.E官方Facebook粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/shehimmusic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 安靜了 曲:周杰倫 詞:Selina、李姚 編曲:洪敬堯 只剩下鋼琴陪我站在這裡 夢想中屬於我們的婚禮 卻成了 單人結婚進行曲 在這場愛情角力的拔河裡 愛我還是愛你 你選擇了自己 撒嬌的 可愛的 黏人的 愛哭的 照片裡 曾經的都是你喜歡的 如今我還在原地 你卻走回你的記憶. 你說我愛你太多 就快要把你淹沒 你害怕幸福短暫一秒就崩落 分開是一種解脫 讓你好好的想過 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能夠給我 你說我給你太多 卻不能給我什麼 分不清激情 承諾 永恆或迷惑 愛情是一道傷口 我們各自苦痛 沉默是我最後溫柔 是因為我太愛你 只剩下鋼琴陪我站在這裡 夢想中屬於我們的婚禮 安靜了 在...
Support WrestleTalk on Patreon here! http://goo.gl/2yuJpo In this WrestleTalk News, WWE responds to Paige's suspension claims, revealing what caused her to violate the Wellness Policy, and her real-life boyfriend Alberto Del Rio implies she's trying to leave the company. The Taz Show - http://www1.play.it/the-taz-show/ The New York Post - http://nypost.com/2016/10/11/wwe-fires-back-at-banned-beauty-spreading-lies-about-drug-test/ WWE Wellness Policy - http://corporate.wwe.com/what-we-do/talent/abuse-and-drug-testing-policy#C4 Subscribe to the WrestleTalk Podcast Network on iTunes: https://goo.gl/783yg4 For all the latest news, blogs, podcasts and merch visit http://www.wrestletalk.tv FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/WrestleTalkTV TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/WrestleTalk_TV
Source: Thedodo "Ugly." "Gross." "What the hell is that?" These are the first things people tend to say when they meet Possum, an unusual-looking cat with gray fur, bald patches and a rat-like tail. Either that, or they ask if Possum has mange, or if she's a burn victim. But to Stephanie (who preferred not to give her last name), Possum is perfect. Possum was one of several kittens born in Stephanie's co-worker's backyard in central North Carolina. The mother cat was feral, and Stephanie's co-worker did her best to care for her and the newborns. All of the kittens were "normal" looking, just like the mother — shorthair domestic cats with white and calico fur. Possum, on the other hand, was gray and almost entirely bald when she was born. She was also the runt. Possum's brothers and si...
TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton (https://twitter.com/JordanChariton) reported on one of the emails hacked by WikiLeaks that might have been taken out of context. Email In Question: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4433 For more, subscribe to TYT Politics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMo0RRtnNDuMB8DV5stEag
數位音樂收聽S.H.E「你曾是少年」 ►KKBOX - http://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/album/2ZiRO.AnXAqdkR0FOurC0091-index.html ►myMusic - http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/268648 ►Omusic - http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1236567 ►iTunes 下載: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/ni-ceng-shi-shao-nian-single/id997250022?l=zh ♞ 經典戲劇主題曲YouTube歌單 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqbiv4ZP2BvoryZPjuXrGsWW4gKFvyxfZ --------------------------------------------- 華語女子天團S.H.E藏聲兩年 2015最新單曲神秘空降《你曾是少年》 四大名導聯名推薦天才電影《少年班》 導演肖洋情同粉絲作詞邀唱 華語女子天團S.H.E自2012年底發行「花又開好了」專輯以來,經過「2gether 4ever」2013世界巡迴及2014安可場巡迴演唱會後,團員各自單飛出擊,皆創佳績。田馥甄/如果演唱會台北高雄場秒殺售罄,巡迴場次不斷增加!Selina任家萱 2015年初發行個人專輯「3.1415」,圓容教主能言善道形象深植人心,備受主持界期待!ELLA豐富戲胞活躍各大表演場合,發行「WHY NOT」專輯受封流行瘋后,並持續交出戲劇作品耕耘戲劇之路!因此超過兩年時間,S.H.E未以團體名義發表音樂新作,這次特地為天才電影《少年班》獻唱電影主題曲,為電影主角們娓娓...
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She fought back! SUBSCRIBE TO JOIN THE FAMILY! Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXLxFzrXyYY NatesLife: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiEuCYYaGHZc4zsvSDZFM9Q Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoRBXH-7XjY Random video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3y7Qz6YrCc Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharmxOfficial Intro creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaqVl-96iVs6n1hR7NBlTqw Intro/Outro music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hfFQl2iEi8 Background music by Kevin Macleod (Incompotech.com)
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DAY 1242 // 10TH OCTOBER 2016 // Cobham, United Kingdom Hilary Youtube // https://www.youtube.com/hilarywalkermusic Twitter // https://twitter.com/hillstunes Instagram // http://instagram.com/hillstunes JOIN THE CLUB! http://livetheadventure.club follow what i'm up to http://www.twitter.com/funforlouis http://www.facebook.com/funforlouis http://www.instagram.com/funforlouis http://www.funforlouis.tumblr.com Snap chat: FunForLouis Make sure you subscribe for DAILY VLOGS! Big thanks to the Music by… https://soundcloud.com/the_beatknitter https://soundcloud.com/gbeats Music wanted!! If you are a music producer and would like me to use your music (funky jazz hiphop vibes) please email me at submissions@funforlouis.com My gear Sony A7S II - http://amzn.to/2dmO9tA Sony A7R II - http://...
Not again! It looks like Oakley really really wants to keep those apples in her kennel! We are going to have to take her to the Apple farm soon! Subscribe! It's FREE! http://goo.gl/yLIHMX Help us on Patreon: https://goo.gl/K0npkn ★FOLLOW US! • http://Instagram.com/SnowDogsVlogs • http://Facebook.com/SnowDogsVlogs • http://Twitter.com/SnowDogsVlogs • #Pawdience Group: https://goo.gl/DaxRxU • https://www.snapchat.com/add/gone2thesnowdog • http://YouTube.com/GonetotheSnowDogs ★MERCH •http://shop.spreadshirt.com/gonetothesnowdogs ★Website • http://GonetotheSnowDogs.com ★SEND US LETTERS & THINGS Snow Dogs Vlogs P.O. Box 12 Alpena, MI 49707 We will always try to put all items in the Vlogs! ★BUSINESS CONTACT ContactSnowDogs@gmail.com Intro & Outro by: https://www.youtube.com/user/itsjessyes...
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2 years old baby cutting the cake so cute
Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne joins the show to discuss the character of Hillary Clinton and what he saw during his time guarding her. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: http://www.prisonplanet.tv http://www.InfowarsNews.com Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family ...
講到亞洲女子天團就一定會想到SHE,2001年出道至今已經14年,這14年當中再也沒有一個女子團體能達到像她們一樣的高度,她們不只能歌善舞,還會演戲、主持,完全是一個全方位發展的女子天團,到底他們有什麼秘密,可以讓這14年以來都一直穩固著她們的地位呢?今天穿越康熙就要來告訴你SHE她們無人能敵的超級魅力 ❆穿越康熙❆每週一到五18:00更新→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vi7HB09JSU&list;=PLq_o2rIpiltbDfxNyHRYsptctov-JRqxS ❆康熙時光機❆影音專區→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__tPENPsxy0&list;=PLq_o2rIpiltZOX5nQaih7kXUBH2Qwwhva 超有梗❆小明星大跟班❆完整版→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zx-W1ByGUk&list;=PLPgID1Rky7Xk6fvGdDVlTC0G_-SywfUHZ ⊛粉絲團按讚影音隨你看 康熙來了FB→https://www.facebook.com/kangxiofficial/?ref=bookmarks 中天綜藝攏底家FB→https://www.facebook.com/36tvshow 必poTV FB→https://www.facebook.com/%E5%BF%85Po-TV-1066625510064406/ ⊛必PoTV大小夯事都不漏→http://bepo.ctitv.com.tw/
SHE WAS ALMOST SICK..!! | Tomodachi Life #22 ► Subscribe and join TeamTDM! :: http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 ► PREORDER MY NEW BOOK HERE :: http://smarturl.it/DanTDM ► Follow Me on Twitter :: http://www.twitter.com/dantdm ► Previous Video :: https://youtu.be/_OoVqE2Y_kU Today, we're back playing an awesome game called TOMODACHI LIFE!! We start by getting our very own island and then have to fill it with all kinds of crazy people!! ► Check out Tomodachi Life: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-3DS/Tomodachi-Life-871968.html ► Powered by Chillblast :: http://www.chillblast.com Enjoy & remember to like, favourite and subscribe to support me! -- Find Me! -- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dantdm Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Instagram: DanTDM -- Credits -- All titles ...
猴年第1炮..重載番SHE金曲串燒 但現在會以圖片代替 Selina...Hebe..Ella 加油 0:11 戀人未滿/ 1:52 冰箱/ 3:14 你還好不好/ 4:05 他就是他/ 5:17 belief/ 6:10 幸福留言/ 7:25 給我多一點/ 8:15 熱帶雨林/ 9:48 記得要忘記/ 10:51 圍巾/ 11:27 愛我的資格/ 12:44 I've never been to me/ 14:40 H.B.O/ 15:34 Beauty up my life/ 16:16 Remember/ 16:56 美麗新世界/ 17:29 愛呢/ 18:35 Watch me shine/ 19:22 你快樂我隨意/ 20:04 愛情的海洋/ 20:55 無可取代/ 22:07 Nothing Ever Changes/ 23:06 魔力/ 25:03 Always on my mind/ 25:34 天使在唱歌/ 26:59 金鐘罩鐵布衫/ 28:28 Super Star/ 29:48 痛快/ 30:52 星光/ 31:44 半糖主義/ 32:47 十面埋伏/ 33:44 鬥牛士之歌/ 34:46 波斯貓/ 35:31 I.O.I.O/ 36:07 落大雨/ 37:06 北歐神話/ 37:56 我和幸福有約定/ 39:07 白色戀歌 / 40:04 遠方/ 41:10 河濱公園/ 42:11 夏天的微笑/ 43:16 花都開好了/ 44:27 找不到/ 45:35 五天四晚/ 46:39 安全感/ 47:22 Nevermind/ 48:58 茱羅記/ 49:57 一起開始的旅程/ 50:48 你太誠實/ 51:37 他還是不懂/ 52:58 我愛你/ 54:08 別說對不起/ 55:04 候鳥/ 56:18 保持微笑/ 57:31 對號入座/ 58:16 大...
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Saw her sitting on the corner
With her feet down in the water
And no one ever helped her
And no one ever taught her
For such a lovely daughter
Couldn't be more lost in water
With no one to believe in
She will get inside your head
She's the waves inside your bed
She will get inside your head
She's the waves inside your bed
Saw her sitting on the corner
In her masquerade
Saw her sitting on the corner
Black ran down her face
Saw her sitting on the corner
With her feet down in the water
And no one ever helped her
And no one ever taught her
For such a lovely daughter
Couldn't be more lost in water
With no one to believe in
She will get inside your head
Like the wolf travels through the snow
She's the waves inside your bed
Where the wind travels she must follow
She will get inside your head
Like the wolf travels through the snow
She's the waves inside your bed
Where the wind travels she must follow
It's so much so much so much darker in the sun
When you when you when you run
It's so much so much so much darker in the sun
When you when you when you run
She will get inside your head
Just like the wolf travels through the snow
She's the waves inside your bed